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P1383 Epoxy colour chart 滴膠色卡 Transparent and Solid 透明及實色
P1605 Epoxy Stone with Claw / 滴膠高身石
P1466 Epoxy stone with claw 滴膠爪石 Size chart 尺寸卡
P1119 Epoxy Stone with Claw / 滴膠高身石
P1336 Epoxy brass sequin / 滴膠金屬片 Square, Round and Ring 正方形, 圓形及圓圈
P1335 Epoxy brass sequin / 滴膠金屬片 Oval, Drop, Rectangle, Navette and Hexagon 橢圓形,水滴, 長方形,馬眼及六角形
P1139 Epoxy brass sequin / 滴膠金屬片 Irregular shape 不規則形
P1140 Epoxy brass sequin / 滴膠金屬片 Triangle and irregular shape 三角形及不規則形